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365 oraciones
365 oraciones

365 oraciones


Colección 365


278 Pages, 8 x 10.75

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $21.95 (US $21.95) (CA $25.95)

Publication Date: December 2014

ISBN 9788467731026

Rights: US & CA

Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. (Dec 2014)

Price: $21.95


Demonstrating an elephant's generosity and a seal's self-esteem, among many other animals and traits, this book is about the values of life, written in a way that kids can easily understand and connect with as they grow. Prayer can be confusing at a young age, but the simplicity in this collection will help both children and parents feel closer to God. This precious volume includes beautiful prayers for every day of the year. 

Author Biography

Susaeta Publishing, Inc. publishes Spanish-language books and is based in Madrid, Spain.