Funny and frightening, moving and unsettling, the prose poems in Mark’s debut collection take readers on a wild rideThe Babies, by Sabrina Orah Mark, is the premier winner of the Saturnalia Books Poetry Contest, judged by renowned poet Jane Miller (Memory at These Speeds: New and Selected Poetry). Of The Babies, poet Claudia Rankine writes, “Rarely do we encounter poems that are so precisely framed, though on their surface seemingly whimsical and erratic. These poems are gorgeous, intelligent, and disturbing.”Author Biography
SABRINA ORAH MARK was raised in Brooklyn, New York. She received her B.A. from Barnard College, and her M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Mark, a recipient of a fellowship from the Fine Arts Work Center, has had poems published in American Letters and Commentary, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Fence, The Canary, Volt, and other journals.