Small Press United is a distribution program created expressly to accommodate the unique issues that confront small and start-up publishers. SPU provides quick access to the book trade and can bypass the traditional long lead times needed to get books into the market.
SPU utilizes IPG’s sales force in the U.S. and Canada to sell titles to chain and independent bookstores, online retailers, national wholesalers, library and specialty wholesalers, the gift and specialty retail markets, museums, and more. Books in this program are shipped and billed with titles from all of IPG’s distribution lines, creating efficiencies for buyers and eliminating barriers of entry to accounts of all sizes that small publishers and small distributors must oftentimes overcome.
SPU also gives small publishers access to IPG’s cutting-edge supply chain technology, ensuring that titles are easily sourced throughout the U.S. and Canada, essentially wherever books are sold. State of the art reports accessible 24 hours a day keep publishers in the loop on all sales and inventory activity.
Each SPU client receives a membership in the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), one of the best independent press publishing resources available. In addition, they have access to a suite of online publisher education tools, including a how-to guide for planning an effective publicity campaign; guidance on pitching techniques, writing press materials, and setting up author tours; and a list of essential media contacts for soliciting reviews.
Small Press United is simply the best distributor of print and electronic books for publishers new to the market—and established publishers who need fast access to it—who want to invest in the creation and promotion of their titles rather than to struggle with the considerable costs of building a sales and distribution infrastructure. SPU handles e-book distribution and offers Print-On-Demand services that can reduce a publisher’s overall cost and risk. Finally, SPU’s fee is based on net book sales, not on unrelated services.
Distribution Programs › IPG operates six different distribution programs to meet the particular needs of publishers and market segments. |
Sales Channels › IPG has more sales channels than any other distributor. |
Marketing Services › IPG's dedicated marketing team offers many services aimed at advancing the visibility of their publisher clients' brands and titles. |
Digital Services › Since 2001 IPG has provided e-book conversion, consolidation, storage, and distribution, and very favorable rates for POD printing. |
Specific Services for Publishers › Pre-pub consultation, sales meetings and shows, access to Bookscan, Publicity and PR, advertising opportunities, and much more. |
Operations › State-of-the-art software and Distribution Center facilities; 24-hour turn time on orders. |