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One-Legged Dancer
One-Legged Dancer

One-Legged Dancer


104 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

PDF, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $10.99)

Publication Date: November 2012

ISBN 9781609400293

Rights: WOR

Wings Press (Nov 2012)

Price: $9.99
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Focusing on the United States' Desert Southwest, this compilation of poetry celebrates its flora, fauna, customs, and people. An insightful collection, it includes an interesting trope that runs throughout the book, implying a comparison between native dance and traditional notions of poetic meter.

Author Biography

Pamela Uschuk is a professor of creative writing at Fort Lewis College, the editor in chief of the literary magazine Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, and the author of four volumes of poetry, including Crazy Love, winner of the 2010 American Book Award. A recipient of the Struga International Poetry Prize, her poems have been translated into a dozen languages. She lives in Durango, Colorado.