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On Becoming a Poet
On Becoming a Poet

On Becoming a Poet



Chapter One


168 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $15.00 (US $15.00)

Publication Date: May 2022

ISBN 9781732614130

Rights: WOR

Marsh Hawk Press (May 2022)

Price: $15.00


Original memoirs by outstanding poets from diverse backgrounds who recall how they found their beginnings. While university creative writing programs generally seek to develop the talents of maturing writers, essential information about the development of the craft will be found in these early memoirs. “Simply the best collection of essays I’ve ever read about the urgencies, accidents, experiences, and desires that allow people to emerge as the writers they had never dreamt they might become.” −David St. John

Author Biography

Susan Terris is a freelance editor and the author of 8 books of poetry, 17 chapbooks, 3 artist's books, and 2 plays. Her new book is Green Leaves, Unseeing.