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Oman - Culture Smart!
Oman - Culture Smart!

Oman - Culture Smart!

The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture


Culture Smart!


200 Pages, 4.25 x 6.75

Formats: EPUB, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $14.99 (US $14.99) (CA $19.99)

Publication Date: July 2024

ISBN 9781787023512

Rights: WOR X IN, PK, NP, BT, BD, LK, & MV

Kuperard (Jul 2024)


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Don't just see the sights―get to know the people.

The Sultanate of Oman, long regarded as one of the more mysterious countries of the Arabian Peninsula, is finally getting more of the attention it so deserves. An ancient land with a rich history and dramatic landscapes, Oman was largely cut off from the modern world until the accession to the throne of Sultan Qaboos in 1970. Since then this peaceful country has developed slowly but deliberately, placing a strong emphasis on retaining its cultural heritage while moving into the hi-tech era.

Culture Smart! Oman opens the door to this fascinating and complex country, where traditional values coexist cheerfully with all the trappings of modern life. Here, the gentle pace of life contrasts with life in the West and those that take the time to get to know the people of this land, their values, and their way of life, will find that they are greatly enriched.

Have a more meaningful and successful time abroad through a better understanding of the local culture. Chapters on values, attitudes, customs, and daily life will help you make the most of your visit, while tips on etiquette and communication will help you navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid faux pas.

Author Biography

Nicole Brewer is an English language teacher, travel blogger, author, and freelance writer from Detroit. An avid explorer, she has visited over fifty countries to date and is no stranger to the realities of “culture shock,” having lived abroad in South Africa, Germany, and South Korea before settling down in Oman, which has been her home for more than ten years.