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Learner Feedback for Language Growth
Learner Feedback for Language Growth

Learner Feedback for Language Growth

A Guidebook for Evaluating Learner Work Through Performance Domains and Indicators



500 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $39.95 (US $39.95) (CA $39.95)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781961332096

Rights: WOR

ACTFL (Oct 2024)

Price: $39.95


Learner Feedback for Language Growth: A Guidebook for Evaluating Learner Work Through Performance Domains and Indicators gives you concrete examples of the type of feedback that empowers your learners, making them eager to learn more and continue their growth in the language. Going far beyond simply training teachers to rate language samples, this book is brimming with detailed tools and templates to guide learners’ performance, help them set personal goals, and tailor their own language journey. Using the five critical domains of language performance as a jumping off point, the authors show you how to get your students to take ownership of their language learning and go far beyond the classroom in the process. Learn how to go far beyond letter grading, highlighted errors, and simple corrections and instead transform your learners’ experience, using this text as your ultimate guide!

Author Biography

Karen Nickel is a world language education consultant and an adjunct instructor in education at Concordia College (Moorhead, MN). She holds degrees from Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN / Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany) and Hamline University (St Paul, MN). IDI® certified with 35+ years' teaching experience, she is an advocate for equitable grading. Sarah Strauss is Nationally Board Certified; she currently teaches Spanish at Minnetonka High School and Normandale Community College (MN). Her academic journey includes degrees from UW-Eau Claire, Middlebury College (VT), and UNM-Albuquerque. With 20 years of classroom experience and IDI® qualification, her work as an education consultant intersects language growth and intercultural competence. Megan Budke is the Immersion, Indigenous, and World Language Coordinator for St. Paul Public Schools in Minnesota. She holds degrees from North Dakota State University and St. Mary's University of Minnesota (Minneapolis). A former middle school Spanish teacher, her work centers around curriculum design, assessment, and supporting less commonly taught languages.