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Las olimpiadas de Grecia / THE OLYMPIC GAMES OF GREECE
Las olimpiadas de Grecia / THE OLYMPIC GAMES OF GREECE

Las olimpiadas de Grecia / THE OLYMPIC GAMES OF GREECE

By Jordi Ortiz, Illustrated by Miguel Ángel Saura


Los Exploradores del Tiempo


200 Pages, 8 x 5.75

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $15.95 (CA $20.95) (US $15.95)

Publication Date: April 2025

ISBN 9788419898081

Rights: WOR

Editorial el Pirata (Apr 2025)

Not yet published. Ships 4/1/2025.


¿Qué harías si te dijeran que es posible viajar por el tiempo? Las olimpiadas de Grecia es el tercer libro en español de la colección Los Exploradores del Tiempo, ilustrada a todo color y que combina diálogos de cómic con novela de aventuras para niños de entre 9 y 12 años. Cada libro nos permite disfrutar de un fascinante viaje por el tiempo de Víctor, Cristina, Celoni e Ibis, los protagonistas. Los lectores encontrarán algunas preguntas que permiten descubrir curiosidades históricas sobre antiguas civilizaciones. Para hacerlo, tendrán que usar el Reloj del Tiempo, incluido en el libro, para descifrar el número de página que se oculta tras un fondo de color rojo y así poder viajar por el tiempo para descubrir curiosidades históricas increíbles. En Las olimpiadas de Grecia, los Exploradores del Tiempo visitarán la Olimpia del año 556 a. C. durante la celebración de los Juegos Olímpicos. Para esta misión, tendrán que tratar de hacerse con la corona de oro de Heracles, aunque nadie sabe si dicho objeto existió de verdad o no es más que una leyenda. ¿Serán capaces de completar su misión antes de que Maléfico Durador les pare los pies?

What would you do if somebody told you it was possible to time travel?

Las olimpiadas de Grecia is the third book in Spanish in LOS EXPLORADORES DEL TIEMPO series which mixes comic book dialogues with an adventure novel for children, and it’s full of colorful illustrations. Each book will take you on a fascinating journey through time with the main characters Victor, Christina, Seldon, and Ibis. Throughout the novel, readers will come across some questions which will allow them to discover incredible fun facts about ancient civilizations. For this, they will have to use the time-traveling clock (included in the book) to decipher the page number hidden behind the red background.

At the end of each novel in the collection, you will find three different sections:

  • Cool stuff! You will discover fun facts told by the characters in the collections about themselves or about the historic era they have travelled to.
  • Stuff to do! You will learn a new cooking recipe to follow at home and a game set in the historic era.
  • Bibliochronohistories! Some of the most significant figures in history will tell us who they are and what they did to become so relevant to our history.


In Las olimpiadas de Grecia, the Time Explorers will go back to 556 BC to visit the city of Olympia while the Olympic Games are being held. For this mission, they will have to get the golden wreath of Hercules, even though nobody knows if this object actually existed or if it only is a mere legend. Will they manage to complete the mission before Eternal Maleficent stops them?

And you, do you want to become a Time Explorer? Once you finish the book, complete the Explorer’s Test and you will obtain the object recovered in each book in the collection. Stick it on the collection’s poster! Will you manage to get all the objects lost in time?

If you complete the test, you can also download a digital fragment of one of the books in the HISTORIA ILUSTRADA series. Learn about each civilization and become a history pro!

**There is a FREE reading comprehension guide to work on this novel at school.**

Other titles from Los Exploradores del Tiempo series in Spanish:

1) Las legiones de Roma

2) Las expediciones de los vikingos
3) Las olimpiadas de Grecia
4) El oro de los incas

5) Las flechas de los siux
6) Las catanas de los samuráis

More titles coming soon.

Other titles from the Historia Ilustrada series in Spanish:

1) Roma

2) Los vikingos

3) La antigua Grecia

4) Los incas

5) El antiguo Egipto

6) Los nativos de Estados Unidos, Canadá y Groenlandia

More titles coming soon.


"With simple language, funny illustrations and an ideal format to catch the attention of young and fearless readers." - @cuentos_de_luz

"Highly recommend as a summer read for middle-graders. They will have a great time while learning about one of the most important civilizations in the history of humanity. They're so cool!" - @israanrubiarodrigo

Author Biography

Jordi Ortiz ha publicado más de veinte libros y ha recibido múltiples premios, como el Premio Contarella, el Premio Vila de Perpinyà, el Premio Mallorca, o el 5º Premio Carlemany para la Promoción de la Lectura, entre otros. Visita frecuentemente escuelas de primaria y secundaria para motivar a los niños y adolescentes que lean y escriban. Sus dos grandes pasiones son escribir historias para niños y la astronomía.

Miguel Angel Saura nació en Barcelona y creció en los años 80. Tras acabar la educación secundaria empezó a trabajar como diseñador de estampados para la industria textil. Al finalizar sus estudios artísticos trabajó como diseñador y como grafista freelance. Actualmente combina su faceta de ilustrador y escritor con su trabajo como diseñador textil y vive en Barcelona con su mujer y sus tres hijos.

Jordi Ortiz has published more than twenty books and has received multiple awards, such as the Contarella Prize, the Vila de Perpinyà Prize, the Mallorca Prize, or the 5th Carlemany Prize for the Promotion of Reading, among others. He frequently visits primary and secondary schools to encourage children and adolescents to read and write. His two great passions are writing stories for children and astronomy.

Miguel Angel Saura was born in Barcelona and grew up in the 80s. After finishing high school he began to work as a print designer for the textile industry. After finishing his artistic studies he worked as a freelance designer and graphic designer. He currently combines his facet as an illustrator and writer with his work as a textile designer and lives in Barcelona with his wife and three children.