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Internet Law and Protection of Fundamental Rights
Internet Law and Protection of Fundamental Rights

Internet Law and Protection of Fundamental Rights



290 Pages, 6.75 x 9.5

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB

Trade Paper, $59.95 (CA $53.95) (US $59.95)

Publication Date: January 2023

ISBN 9788831322706

Rights: WOR X IT

EGEA Spa - Bocconi University Press (Jan 2023)


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $59.95


The protection of fundamental rights in the digital age is increasingly at the core of Internet law. The massive spread of digital and algorithmic technologies is raising questions that are intimately constitutional. Rights and freedoms are exposed to the opportunities and challenges of digital technologies, thus leading to different constitutional reactions. The book is structured in three parts. It starts by providing a focus on the primary questions around the Internet, particularly the regulation and governance of the digital environment, the jurisdictional challenge, and the access to the Internet. Then, the second part of the book examines the law of online content, looking at the protection of freedom of expression in the real and the digital world, the law of online intermediaries, the challenges raised by disinformation and hate speech, and specific sectors such as copyright and audiovisual media services. The third part analyses the field of privacy and data protection by looking at their historical roots, the role of the GDPR and specific challenges, particularly the right to be forgotten, data retention, and the transfer of data.

Author Biography

Oreste Pollicino is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at Bocconi University, member of the executive committee of the Vienna Fundamental Rights Agency and co-founder of DigitalMediaLaws counseling. Marco Bassini is Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law at Bocconi University, where he also serves as programme coordinator for the LL.M. in Law of Internet Technology. Giovanni De Gregorio is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford, and Academic Fellow at Bocconi University.