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Hush Sessions
Hush Sessions

Hush Sessions


80 Pages, 5.5 x 7.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $14.00 (CA $19.00) (US $14.00)

Publication Date: October 2009

ISBN 9780981859132

Rights: US & CA

Saturnalia Books (Oct 2009)

Price: $14.00


The notion of exchange circulates throughout Kristi Maxwell’s superlative second collection of poetry, Hush Sessions. In a series of utterly unique poetic experiences, things transform or transfer: superstition becomes science, and bodies become texts to read. In addition, family mythologies become sites of substitution and a borderland where irrationality and rationalization touch. Kristi Maxwell’s poetry reminds us that words, like objects, do not exist in a singular state, and their multiplicity is activated through perception: “a veil during/ the trying on rather than the pride of/ the dress.” As Fanny Howe says, Maxwell’s poems “have pure, ephemeral lines that suggest much thought about time and utterance, yet they float free without any need for explanation.”

Author Biography

KRISTI MAXWELL is the author of Realm Sixty-Four, a meditation on the chess-playing automaton called The Turk.

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