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Haunters at the Hearth
Haunters at the Hearth

Haunters at the Hearth

Eerie Tales for Christmas Nights

Edited by Tanya Kirk


Tales of the Weird


320 Pages, 5 x 7.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $16.99 (US $16.99) (CA $22.99)

Publication Date: October 2023

ISBN 9780712354271

Rights: US, CA, SAM & MX

British Library Publishing (Oct 2023)

Price: $16.99


“But something odd does happen here at Christmas time. When I first heard the story, I thought it was an old wives’ tale, but—well, these old houses—you hear strange things—” He lifted his shoulders and stared into the fire…

From the troves of the British Library collections comes a new volume for Christmas nights—when the boundary between the mundane and the unearthly is ever so thin—ushering in a new throng of revenants, demons, spectres and shades drawn to the glow of the hearth.

Included within are eighteen classic stories ranging from 1864 to 1974, with vintage Victorian chillers nestled alongside unsettling modern pieces from L. P. Hartley and Mildred Clingerman; lost tales from rare anthologies and periodicals; weird episodes from unexpected authors such as Winston Graham and D. H. Lawrence; stories simmering with a twisted humour from Elizabeth Bowen and Celia Fremlin and many more haunting seasonal treats.

Author Biography

Tanya Kirk is a curator in the Printed Heritage Collections team at the British Library. She has previously edited the Tales of the Weird collection Sunless Solstice: Strange Christmas Tales for the Longest Nights in 2021 with Lucy Evans.