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Disinformation and Hate Speech
Disinformation and Hate Speech

Disinformation and Hate Speech

A European Constitutional Perspective


174 Pages, 6 x 9.25

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB

Trade Paper, $34.95 (CA $39.95) (US $34.95)

Publication Date: May 2020

ISBN 9788831322034

Rights: WOR X IT

EGEA Spa - Bocconi University Press (May 2020)


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $34.95


The book examines the relationship between constitutional law, hate speech, and disinformation. Namely, the book addresses the challenges that the Internet poses to the exercise of fundamental freedoms, particularly that of freedom of expression. Secondly, the book addresses the question of how information and the market for information are changing in the context of the Internet vis-à-vis traditional media outlets. Finally, the book addresses a comparative study of a number of national experiences and attempts to regulate the delicate practices of online disinformation and “fake news” worldwide.

Author Biography

Giovanni Pitruzzella is Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 8 October 2018 and Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Palermo and LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome. He was President of the Italian Competition Authority (2011-18). Oresete Pollicino is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at Bocconi University in Milan and founder and editor in chief of the international law blog MediaLaws, Comparative Media Law in the Context,

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