A political thriller, tied in to real events, about an apocalyptic threat to American that is ticking remorselessly in the background while Americans continue their daily routines, oblivious to the danger
American life as we know it is about to be obliterated by a debt bomb, and the only person who can save the country is Andrea Gartner, a suburban accountant. Thrust into the rapacious, cutthroat world of American politics and surrounded by crises on all sides, Andrea begins a desperate effort to save the United States. Arrayed against her are cynical politicians and belligerent military brass, some of whom just might be secret Chinese agents.Author Biography
Michael E. Ginsberg is an attorney in Washington, DC practicing in the field of national security law. He spent a decade in private practice at Arnold & Porter LLP in Washington, DC and then worked several years in the U.S. government as a Senior Associate General Counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), where he served as legal counsel for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). He currently is Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at a Virginia-based defense contractor. This is his debut novel.