Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley's debut collection explores the experience of living as a Native American in today's America. From Nippon refugee who America caged. From Onondaga son who America imprisoned, who they couldn't board into whiteness. From Rust Belt trailers. From two wheelbarrow factory workers. From PA to LA to MIA to out here in West Baltimore. From counting every penny to carving the love of poems. From unheard prayers & these answered dreams. We are here. I am here. I am alive. Colonize me.Author Biography
Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley is the recipient of a Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center fellowship as well as scholarships from Tin House, Sewanee, & VONA. He belongs to the Onondaga Nation of Indigenous Americans in New York. In 2017, his work was published in Best New Poets 2017 (ed. Natalie Diaz), the Iowa Review, Narrative, Ninth Letter, PANK, PEN America, the Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, and Tin House, among others.