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Why Don't You Understand?
Why Don't You Understand?

Why Don't You Understand?

Using the 4 Thinking Styles to Improve Family Communication


144 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB, Mobipocket, PDF

Trade Paper, $13.95 (CA $15.95) (US $13.95)

Publication Date: January 2009

ISBN 9781884734687

Rights: WOR

Chicago Review Press (Jan 2009)
Parenting Press


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Arguing that how people think and how they naturally prefer to communicate is inborn, this study demystifies recent research to explain why some relationships function so smoothly while others are a constant struggle. Susie Weller describes the four distinct ways the human brain gathers and processes information—emphasizing that none is better than the others—and shows how readers can strengthen their least favorite thinking style in order to communicate more effectively with others. This skill can then be applied to any number of relationships, including parenting.

Author Biography

Susie Leonard Weller teaches parenting education for the Community Colleges of Spokane, and writes and leads workshops. She lives in Spokane, Washington. Elizabeth Wagele is a cartoonist, an artist, and the author of Finding the Birthday Cake: Helping Children Raise Their Self-Esteem and The Happy Introvert: A Wild and Crazy Guide for Celebrating Your True Self. She lives in Berkeley, California.