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When You're Older
When You're Older

When You're Older

By Sofie Laguna, Illustrated by Judy Watson


32 Pages, 8.66 x 11.22

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $18.99 (US $18.99) (CA $24.99)

Publication Date: May 2023

ISBN 9781760291341

Rights: US & CA

Allen & Unwin (May 2023)
A & U Children

Price: $18.99


Beautiful, warm and evocative, this stunning picture book reveals an older brother's hopes for the amazing experiences he will share with his new baby brother - when he's older. A triumph of illustration and storytelling.

Baby brother, I can't wait until you're older.
Just imagine the adventures that lie ahead...

An exquisitely illustrated and deeply joyful celebration of the bond between brothers. Join them as they explore the far reaches of this wild and amazing world, side by side every step of the way. From two highly acclaimed and award-winning creators.

"This beautiful book gives us the life we'd all love our children to have, out in the natural world, reveling in its beauty and truly being part of it. The exquisite illustrations are bursting with energy and color, the language is rich yet simple and the brothers look after each other as brothers should. It really hits the spot, right in your heart." —Alison Lester

"A heart-warming story about the powerful bond between brothers." —Margaret Wild

"This is a very special picture book for all ages. We are with the brothers all the way - on the last pages, holding our breath. A masterpiece." —Ann James



'Judy Watson's gorgeous illustrations combine beautifully with Sofie Laguna's evocative language to take readers on a rich journey into the imagination of a small boy. Her artwork is filled with textures and quirks. Vibrant colours, stunning patterns and hidden details to uncover - these pages are just so, so beautiful. I found myself turning pages very slowly with this book, savouring the colours and movement on each spread.' Kids' Book Review 

"Thrilling journeys abound in this lovely ode to childhood fantasies and sibling bonds" — Kirkus

"Brilliant colors and dreamlike illustrations complement this touching tale of brotherly love." — Foreword Reviews

Author Biography

Sofie Laguna's many books for young people have been published in the US, the UK and in translation throughout Europe and Asia. She has been shortlisted for the Queensland Premier's Awards, and twice been awarded Honour Book by the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA). She is also a highly acclaimed author for adults. Sofie lives in Melbourne with her husband, illustrator Marc McBride, and their two young sons.

Judy Watson works with a combination of digital and traditional methods to make art that explores color, light and our connection with nature. She has won a Prime Minister's Literary Award, been selected for the International Youth Library's White Ravens catalogue, and been shortlisted for the CBCA Eve Pownall Award. Judy is married with two teenage children, a three-legged dog, several chickens and a changing array of foster cats. She lives and works in Frankston South.