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Understanding Black Male Learning Styles
Understanding Black Male Learning Styles

Understanding Black Male Learning Styles


160 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: EPUB, Mobipocket, PDF, Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $15.95 (US $15.95) (CA $17.95)

Publication Date: January 2011

ISBN 9781934155387

Rights: WOR

African American Images (Jan 2011)


eBook Editions Available

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Offering information for use inside and outside of the classroom, this educational resource delineates how black males learn differently from other students and what can be done to most effectively reach them. Outlining the differences as both behavioral (attention span, aggression, maturation, energy level, and pressure from peers) and educational (verbal skills, organization, gross and fine motor skills, and reading interests) among others, this proposal provides real-world experiences alongside theories, making this an essential guide for educators, parents, counselors, psychologists, and others involved with black male adolescents. A section on how the majority of teachers, who are nonblack and female, can extend their education to overcome differences within the normal classroom setting, and help to reduce the number of black males in special education, is also provided.

Author Biography

Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu is an educational consultant and the author of more than 30 books, including Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, A Culture of Respect, the bestselling Raising Black Boys, and State of Emergency. He lives in Chicago.