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Toxic Takedown
Toxic Takedown

Toxic Takedown


Trixie Pickle, Art Avenger


288 Pages, 5.05 x 7.8

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $9.99 (US $9.99)

Publication Date: July 2024

ISBN 9780241537664

Rights: US

Penguin Random House UK (Jul 2024)

Price: $9.99


The second laugh-out-loud illustrated adventure featuring Trixie Pickle, the Banksy of her school.

A weird sickness bug has been spreading through Wormwood Town and everyone is wondering if there's something in the water. Trixie Pickle Art Avenger uses the power of art to investigate - can she get to the bottom of the mystery around the town reservoir?

She's got a lot on her plate - being bored to sleep by Money Week at school, making comics with her best friend Beeks and finding a way to bring down the local mean girls - but with artistic inspiration from Botticelli, Damien Hirst and Kehinde Wiley, the Art Avenger is sure to win the day.

 Highly illustrated throughout by Olaf and with fact files of hilarious and irreverent details about real artists such as Yayoi Kusama and Hokusai.


This is a GREAT book! Funny, charming, original, secretly educational. ― Adam Kay, author, This Is Going to Hurt

Author Biography

Olaf Falafel is an author, illustrator and a stand-up comedian (which is pretty similar to a stand-up chameleon except he doesn't change color to blend in with the background). He's the winner of The Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe and has created and performed several stupidly named comedy shows including Olaf Falafel and the Cheese Of Truth. As well as trying to make people laugh on stage, Olaf draws a lot and tries to come up with funny ideas for kids books. He also has an Art Club on Youtube full of real drawing tips and facts about famous artists. In 2019 Olaf visited 100 schools in 100 days - and then put his feet up and had a cup of tea.