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The Thumbtack Dancer
The Thumbtack Dancer

The Thumbtack Dancer



32 Pages, 9 x 12

Formats: Cloth, PDF, EPUB

Cloth, $17.95 (US $17.95) (CA $23.95)

Publication Date: August 2017

ISBN 9780997772005

Rights: WOR

Alazar Press (Aug 2017)


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A sweet story about one talented and creative go-getter

Gus is a most promising, most energetic and most talented young dancer who figures out how to make enough money to upgrade his tip-a-tap thumbtack sneakers to a new pair of real tap shoes that could slap-a-dee-dap, slap-a-dee-dap on a real dance floor. He uses his public street dancing and thumbtack shoes to tap his way down the sidewalk and right up to the big red door of the dance studio. 


"Hard work, persistence, and positivity! The Thumbtack Dancer will engage the eyes, ears, hearts, minds, and FEET of all young readers!" —Michelle Dorrance, dancer, choreographer, founder and Artistic Director, Dorrance Dance; 2015 MacArthur Genius Grant Fellow; 2014 Alpert Award Winner; 2013 Jacob's Pillow Dance Award Winner

“So many wonderful lessons weave together as the art and the story s-l-i-d-e together in a perfect duet.” —Gene Medler, founder and director, North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble (NCYTE); Director, Rhytm Tap Festival; faculty member, The Ballet School of Chapel Hill; Performing Arts Faculty, Elon University

“Leslie's uplifting and joyful story about a little boy's passion and determination to dance will leave you smiling. Jan's alternating misty and sharper watercolor images echo the energy and joy in this inspiring story.” —Diane Dillon, illustrator

"This story full of motion, passion for the art of dance, and onomatopoeia that lets readers hear Gus’ tapping will urge readers to add thumbtacks to their own shoes and start dancing!" —Vicky Smith, Kirkus Reviews

"Creativity and hustle open doors (dance studio doors, that is) for an exuberant young dancer." —Sarah Stone, School Library Journal

"This joyful story of persistence comes to life through the written rhythms and Coretta Scott King Award–winner Gilchrist’s wonderfully kinetic illustrations, which use swathes of watercolor to depict Gus’ energy and movement . . . . This infectious read-aloud will put a smile on kids’ lips and set their toes twitching." —Julia Smith, Booklist

Author Biography

Leslie Tryon is the author of the Albert series and several other books for young readers. She is the illustrator of Alma Flor Ada's Dear Peter Rabbit and With Love, Little Red Hen. She has received an ALA Notable book recognition, a Parents Choice Honor and an Ezra Jack Keats Award for Excellence in the Arts. Jan Spivey Gilchrist is the award-winning illustrator-author of 74 children's books, including The Great Migration: Journey to the North, written by Eloise Greenfield. Her books have been recognized by the Coretta Scott King Honors, the NAACP, the CCBC and others.