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The Silent Invasion, Dark Matter
The Silent Invasion, Dark Matter

The Silent Invasion, Dark Matter

Illustrated by Michael Cherkas, By Larry Hancock


Silent Invasion


144 Pages, 7 x 10

Formats: Trade Paper, PDF

Trade Paper, $16.99 (CA $21.99) (US $16.99)

Publication Date: October 2021

ISBN 9781681122830

Rights: WOR X UK

NBM Publishing (Oct 2021)

Price: $16.99


Police detective Eddy Dime tries to uncover the truth behind what happened to the victims of what he believes may be an alien conspiracy that reaches into the highest and murkiest echelons of government power

Walter Sinkage’s quiet suburban life is shattered when he witnesses several UFOs flash past in the sky. His search for the truth about the UFOS and the suspicious disappearance of his brother Matt leads him to an alien abduction support group and confrontation with the Church of Cosmic Enlightenment.


"This reissue of a cult classic sci-fi mystery that touches upon deep state conspiracies and fake news remains incredibly relevant." —School Library Journal

"Riveting to the last page and highly recommended!" —Midwest Book Review

"Like the greatest episodes of The Twilight Zone, The Silent Invasion mashes together the earthbound fears of a particular time with a threat from the outside to make an argument about the world around us." —William Kulesa, Journal

"A stunningly stylish conspiracy saga, bolting 1950s domestic terrors (invasion by Reds; invasion by aliens; invasion by new ideas…) onto Film Noir chic: and employing 20-20 hindsight to produce a phenomenally fresh and enticing delight. Gripping and utterly addictive, The Silent Invasion is incomprehensibly charming and challenging. Rendered in a compelling, spectacularly expressionistic style it is an epic of perpetual twists and turns, leaving readers dazed, dazzled and always hungry for more, and its Machiavellian contortions and observations have never been more relevant than now. Provides an unforgettable gateway to an eerily familiar yet comfortably exotic era of innocent joy and a million “top secrets” no fan of fantastic thriller fiction should ignore. 10/10!" —Now Read This!

Author Biography

Michael Cherkas was born in Oshawa, Ontario in 1954. He has worked for over 30 years as a graphic designer, art director, cartoonist, and illustrator. He still enjoys using non-repro blue pencils, brush, India ink, and paper when making comics. His other comics include Suburban Nightmares (with Larry Hancock and John van Bruggen), The Purple Ray (with Larry Hancock) and The New Frontier (with John Sabli´c). He's been watching the skies for UFOs since he was wonder-struck boy and looks forward to his first sighting. Larry Hancock was born in Toronto, Ontario in 1954. He graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Mathematics and since then has toiled in Toronto as a Chartered Accountant. However, counter to the view of accountants as boring, he has written The Silent Invasion and The Purple Ray with Michael Cherkas and Suburban Nightmares with Cherkas and John van Bruggen. He enjoys reading mysteries, science fiction and comic books (as if you could not guess!).