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The Juice Box Bully
The Juice Box Bully

The Juice Box Bully

Empowering Kids to Stand Up for Others


32 Pages, 8.8 x 8.8

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $10.95 (CA $14.95) (US $10.95)

Publication Date: September 2010

ISBN 9781933916729

Rights: WOR

Early Learning Foundation (Sep 2010)

Price: $10.95


Have you ever seen a bully in action and done nothing about it? The kids at Pete's new school get involved, instead of being bystanders. When Pete begins to behave badly, his classmates teach him about "The Promise". Will Pete decide to shed his bullying habits and make "The Promise"?

Author Biography

Bob Sornson is a best-selling author and internationally acclaimed presenter, and has offered workshops and keynotes in 48 states. His work focuses on the implementation of high-quality competency based learning, early learning success, and parent engagement. For over thirty years he worked as a teacher and as an administrator in Michigan public schools, developed an acclaimed model early learning success initiative, and in 2001 founded the Early Learning Foundation. A prolific author, Bob has written best-selling books for educators, parents and children, along with many journal publications. His books include Over-Tested and Under-Prepared: Using Competency Based Learning to Transform Our Schools, Essential Math Skills, Fanatically Formative, Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning about Empathy, The Juice Box Bully, and many others. Bob’s work is dedicated to giving far more students a real chance for learning and life success.