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The Good Bug
The Good Bug

The Good Bug

A Celebration of Insects – and What We Can Do to Protect Them



192 Pages, 5 x 7

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $16.99 (CA $22.99) (US $16.99)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781789296693

Rights: US & CA

Michael O'Mara Books (Oct 2024)
Michael O'Mara

Not yet published. Ships 10/22/2024.


Following on from the success of The Good Bee, this beautifully illustrated celebration of insects by leading entomologist George McGavin highlights the pivotal role they play in our ecosystems, and what we can do to help them survive and thrive.

Written by entomologist, conservationist and author George McGavin, this is a celebration of our marvelous minibeasts, highlighting how important they are to the survival of all life on Earth, exploring why many are currently under threat and what we can do to help them thrive.

This book will look at what insects do, from vital recycling to pollination to maintaining soil fertility and providing a main food source for animals further up the food chain, to what we’re doing as humans to threaten their habitats, and finally what we can do to protect them – following a similar structure and approach to The Good Bee, in the same beautiful gift format.

Author Biography

Dr George McGavin is one of the UK’s foremost entomologists and leading authorities on the natural world, and a respected academic, author, television and radio presenter, explorer and speaker on all things bug related.