The End of Patriarchy asks one key question: what do we need to create stable and decent human communities that can thrive in a sustainable relationship with the larger living world? Robert Jensen's answer is feminism and a critique of patriarchy. He calls for a radical feminist challenge to institutionalized male dominance; an uncompromising rejection of men's assertion of a right to control women's sexuality; and a demand for an end to the violence and coercion that are at the heart of all systems of domination and subordination. The End of Patriarchy makes a powerful argument that a socially just society requires no less than a radical feminist overhaul of the dominant patriarchal structures.Reviews
"At a time when much of what passes for feminism is actually a neo-liberal approach that privileges individual empowerment over revolutionary social change, Robert Jensen comes out with a much-needed book that is bound to put the radical back in feminism. His insightful analysis, unflinching commitment to radical feminism, and his courageous call to eradicate patriarchy makes The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men a refreshing and bold text." —Gail Dines, Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies, Wheelock College, and author of Pornland: How Porn has Hijacked our Sexuality
"This is a terrific, powerful, informative book. There is not one page without an idea worth discussing and exploring. Jensen emerges as a wise and humble man willing to listen to women and to question men. Such men are rare. He does the opposite of mansplaining: man-listening-to-women! I love it!" —Jeffrey Masson, author of Beasts: What Animals Can Teach Us About the Origins of Good and Evil
"Jensen presents a brilliant and brave analysis of patriarchy and its costs. His thoughts concerning rape, pornography, and transgenderism are deeply insightful and important — and especially compelling in their clarity and honesty. This book is a must-read for men and women who, like Jensen, care passionately about imagining and creating a sustainable, humane, and socially just world." —Rebecca Bigler, Professor of Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies, University of Texas
"The End of Patriarchy is a must-read book for men — and women — who know in their gut that men's economic, social and political dominance does terrible harm to women and men, but who lack the cogent arguments or words to express how. With his trademark style that manages to convey both heartfelt humility and breathtaking moral clarity, Robert Jensen expresses the fear that so many men have of engaging deeply with feminist ideas — as well as the incalculable rewards for those willing to take the leap." —Jackson Katz, PhD, author of The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women
"Women will be grateful for this book because Robert Jensen will be heard by men in a way that women are not. If men will open their minds to it, it will change their lives." —Betty McLellan, PhD, author of Unspeakable: A feminist ethic of speech
"Read this book. Reckon with it. In a culmination of his life's work to understand, address, and resist inequality, Robert Jensen offers us a critical interrogation of patriarchy and male dominance and also a call to action. This book is important and uncomfortable, and it is both of these things because of Jensen's unflinching radical analysis and deep emotional honesty." —Matthew B. Ezzell, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, James Madison UniversityAuthor Biography
Robert Jensen is a professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches courses in media law, ethics, and politics and is a Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award winner. Jensen is a board member of Culture Reframed and the Third Coast Activist Resource Center. He is the author of ten previous books and two more in Spanish.