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The Broadcast
The Broadcast

The Broadcast

By Eric Hobbs, Illustrated by Noel Tuazon


180 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper, PDF

Trade Paper, $13.99 (US $13.99) (CA $13.99)

Publication Date: October 2010

ISBN 9781561635900

Rights: WOR X UK

NBM Publishing (Oct 2010)

Price: $13.99


On the day of the historic broadcast of The War of the Worlds by Orson Welles which triggered panic in many places it sounded so real, a family in the countryside fears for its life and also has to deal with strangers and neighbors coming in for help. The tension brings to the surface long suppressed emotions and conflicts and a violent reckoning in a dark stormy night.


"Hobbs provides convincing characterizations and a satisfying conclusion. Adult themes, some violence. Recommended." —Library Journal (June 9, 2011)