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Teacher Leadership for School-Wide English Learning, First Edition
Teacher Leadership for School-Wide English Learning, First Edition

Teacher Leadership for School-Wide English Learning, First Edition


202 Pages, 7 x 10

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB

Trade Paper, $40.95 (CA $54.95) (US $40.95)

Publication Date: March 2020

ISBN 9781945351761

Rights: WOR

TESOL Press (Mar 2020)


eBook Editions Available

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The Teacher Leadership for School-Wide English Learning guide provides a roadmap for capitalizing on the often untapped language expertise of ESL teachers. By providing teacher leaders with the tools needed to develop customized professional development and engage in nonevaluative peer instructional coaching, the School-Wide English Learning (SWEL) coaching model supports English learners’ academic success throughout the school day, not just when there is a language specialist in the room. **This title also includes a companion website with online resources.**

Author Biography

Michelle Benegas, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at Hamline University. In her work with teachers and schools, she promotes a model in which ESL teachers serve as site-based experts and coaches to their colleagues. Her research interests include ESL teacher leadership, teacher leader identity, and systemic approaches to improving EL services. Amy O'Connor Stolpestad currently serves as the director of The ELM Project and also consults with local, regional, state, and higher education institutions. Stolpestad is a Minnesota licensed K-12 ESL teacher and experienced teacher educator. Her research interests include teacher leadership, instructional coaching, teacher identity, and organizational change management.