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Stripes, Stripes, Stripes & Stripes
Stripes, Stripes, Stripes & Stripes

Stripes, Stripes, Stripes & Stripes


100 Pages, 7 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $17.95 (US $17.95)

Publication Date: September 2024

ISBN 9781771838948

Rights: WOR X CA

Guernica Editions (Sep 2024)

Price: $17.95


Stripes, Stripes, Stripes & Stripes is a whimsical, quirky tale about two zebras, a donkey, and a zebra finch – all named Stripes – who are at odds with each other over their names and their identities. This unlikely foursome soon learn the meaning of inclusiveness, respect, and acceptance of others, thanks to a wise and diverse group of animals they meet on their journey to self-discovery and friendship.

Author Biography

Jennifer Pool travels the world as Linda McCartney in her husband’s touring production, The McCartney Years. Her husband headlines as Paul McCartney, and they share the stage with four other talented musicians. Their children travel with them. Jennifer has a PhD in public health, she loves to write, ride horses, adopt animals, and travel, but what makes her happiest is being a wife and a mother. Her children's book The Enchanted People was released in 2021. After many years in Norfolk County, Ontario, she currently lives with her family on Mackinac Island.