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Stories of the Sun
Stories of the Sun

Stories of the Sun


192 Pages, 5.08 x 7.8

Formats: Cloth, EPUB

Cloth, $24.99 (CA $33.99) (US $24.99)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781803990958

Rights: US & CA

The History Press (Oct 2024)


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Ways to connect with The Sun through story, folklore and journal extracts, inspiring a deeper connection with the earth

For millennia we have looked to the Sun for our survival. In our attempts to increase the productivity of each hour of light, we have skewed our days and stretched them through the use of candles, electricity, LED bulbs, and further subjected ourselves to unnatural light through screens and electronic devices. We have lost our respect for the Sun. Instinctually we know that natural light is vital to our physical and mental health. It sustains us and without we would not survive and yet we ignore this, with most of our lives geared towards a manufactured environment.

Stories of the Sun offers reconnection with this primal life force through folklore, exploration of ancient cultures, myths, legends and tales of our past. By understanding the power of our ancient star through the wisdom of our ancestors, we can hope to unplug ourselves from the synthetic glow that surrounds our lives.

Author Biography

Dawn Nelson is a professional storyteller and freelance writer with a passion for fairytales, folklore and fables. She tells her own original tales and traditional stories, to all ages, in schools, at community events, for local groups and for heritage sites. She runs storytelling clubs for adults and children and she is a consultant for heritage sites, researching, writing and performing stories that interpret history and heritage for families. Her first book for The History Press, Adventures in Nature, was published in 2022.