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Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie
Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie

Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie

By Laurie Jacobs, Illustrated by Anne Jewett



32 Pages, 11 x 8.5

Formats: PDF

PDF, $7.99 (US $7.99) (CA $9.99)

Publication Date: January 2012

ISBN 9781936261598

Rights: WOR

Flashlight Press (Jan 2012)

Price: $7.99
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Lucky for Sophie and Chloe, Grandma Tillie knows how to royally entertain her grandchildren. To their delight, whenever Grandma Tillie babysits, she seems to disappear, only to be replaced by a parade of lovable characters. There's Tillie Vanilly with the bright pink hair, star of The Tillie Vanilly Show, who loves to tell jokes and dance the conga; Chef Silly Tillie with the lampshade hat who offers up a dinner of Worm Chili with Glue Gravy; and Madame Frilly Tillie with the sparkly eyeglasses and towel turban, the world's most creative bath-bubble stylist. Sophie and Chloe wonder who will appear to tuck them into bed: Hiker Hilly Tillie, Explorer Chilly Tillie, or Zoo-lady Gorilly Tillie? To their surprise, it’s the best character of all—just plain Grandma Tillie.


"The whimsical illustrations of pencil on paper, digitally painted, finesse the exaggeration with colorful details. . . . The capricious tale will have young girls wishing for a silly grandma just like Tillie, especially if she can hang a spoon from her nose."  —Kirkus Reviews (January 18, 2012)

"This story is a charmer. Who wouldn't love a grandma like Grandma Tillie? Anne Jewett's lively and colorful illustrations catch Grandma's gleeful spirit and the joyous fall-out of her stylish babysitting." —

"Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie is a high-spirited children's picturebook featuring outrageously wacky color artwork by Anne Jewett. . . . An excellent read-aloud pick, Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie is playful in tone, yet the dialogue is sufficiently advanced to encourage little ones who have mastered easy reader picturebooks to take the next step forward." —

"Lively, colorful pictures and a fun story of a grandma who is trying to mix things up, make this book a great read for dispelling myths about the older generation." —Shay,

Author Biography

Laurie Jacobs is the author of So Much in Common and the award-winning A Box of Candles. Her stories have also appeared in Cricket Magazine. She lives in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Anne Jewett has done illustrations for Babybug Magazine, Oxford University Press, and the Santa Anna Zoo, and she is the illustrator of The Warmest Place of All. She lives in Chuluota, Florida.