For too long the global sex industry and its vested interests have dominated the prostitution debate repeating the same old line that 'sex work' is just like any job. In large sections of the media, academia, public policy, government and the law, the sex industry has had its way. Little is said of the damage, violation, suffering, and torment of prostitution on the bodies and minds of mostly women and children, nor of the deaths, suicides and murders that are routine in the sex industry. Prostitution Narratives: Stories of Survival in the Sex Trade refutes the lies and debunks the myths spread by the industry through the lived experiences of women who have survived prostitution.Author Biography
Caroline Norma PhD is a lecturer in the School of Global Studies. Social Science and PLanning at RMIT University and a member of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia (CATWA). Melinda Tankard Reist is a journalist, speaker, blogger, media commentator and activist against violence against women, objectification of women and sexualization of girls.