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Orgullo y prejuicio / Pride and Prejudice
Orgullo y prejuicio / Pride and Prejudice

Orgullo y prejuicio / Pride and Prejudice

By Jane Austen, Illustrated by Marjolein Bastin


Jardín Secreto


304 Pages, 6.25 x 9.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $48.95 (US $48.95) (CA $65.95)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9788419599216

Rights: US & CA X PR

Editorial Alma (Oct 2024)

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: October 2024


Jane Austen ocupó un lugar preminente en la literatura británica décadas antes de que las mujeres pudiesen disponer de una habitación propia en la que escribir novelas y abrió la senda que recorrerían las hermanas Brontë o Virginia Woolf. Su prosa, su ironía y, sobre todo, su perspicacia para el retrato social, convierten sus obras en una referencia ineludible de la literatura del siglo XIX. Orgullo y prejuicio, su novela más conocida, narra cómo Elizabeth Bennet y Fitzwilliam Darcy se enfrentan a sus prejuicios movidos por el amor que, contra pronóstico, surge entre ellos.

Jane Austen occupied a prominent place in British literature decades before women could have a room of their own in which to write novels and opened the path that the Brontë sisters or Virginia Woolf would follow. Her prose, her irony and, above all, her acumen for social portraiture, make her works an inescapable reference of nineteenth-century literature. Pride and Prejudice, her best-known novel, tells the story of how Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy face their prejudices driven by the love that, against all odds, arises between them.

Author Biography

Marjolein Bastin’s works were recognized very early in her career after attending the Academy of Arts in Arnhem, The Netherlands when she was asked to illustrate a one-page feature for the popular Dutch women’s weekly “Libelle”. A periodical for which she continues to illustrate for today. Jane Austen is a renowned British novelist whose works are considered classics in the world of English literature. Dàila Adillon received a degree in fine arts from the University of Barcelona and obtained her art teacher certification from the same university. She works as an illustrator.