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Mrs Snitch Is a Witch!
Mrs Snitch Is a Witch!

Mrs Snitch Is a Witch!

4-8 years / Pre-K to 8


32 Pages, 8.27 x 10.75

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $16.99 (CA $22.99) (US $16.99)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781922514776

Rights: US, CA, UK, CAR, SAM & SEA

Five Mile US (Oct 2024)
Five Mile

Price: $16.99


Mrs Snitch is a teacher but she might also be a witch. After all, she has a wart on her nose, sharp fangs and a forked tongue and her eyes glow red!  Gather up the clues and find out more about Mrs Snitch in this funny and bewitching tale by author and illustrator Dean Rankine! Key Learning: Embracing and celebrating difference.

Author Biography

The author, Dean Rankine, is celebrated for writing magical and humorous stories that captivate young readers.