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Mirabelle and the Haunted House
Mirabelle and the Haunted House

Mirabelle and the Haunted House




160 Pages, 5.25 x 7.5

Formats: Cloth, Trade Paper

Cloth, $10.99 (CA $14.99) (US $10.99)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781382055420

Rights: US & CA

Oxford University Press (Oct 2024)
Oxford Children’s

Price: $10.99


Tenth in the series about Mirabelle, Isadora Moon's cousin. She's half fairy, half witch, and totally naughty!

When Mirabelle gets so cross with her brother, Wilbur, that she says she wishes he would just disappear, she doesn’t actually think it will happen.

How will she get him to come back? Hopefully, a new friend can lend a ghostly hand. . .

Author Biography

Harriet Muncaster is the author and illustrator of the internationally bestselling Isadora Moon series, Mirabelle and Emerald—two companion series to Isadora Moon, and stunning middle-grade trilogy Victoria Stitch. Harriet lives with her husband and daughter near some beautiful countryside in Bedfordshire, England.