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Jane Austen
Jane Austen

Jane Austen

Vida privada en la época de la Regencia / Private life in the regency era

By Jane Austen, By Laura Manzanera, Illustrated by Eva Lechner


Petit Fours


64 Pages, 4.75 x 7.25

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $13.95 (CA $18.95) (US $13.95)

Publication Date: September 2024

ISBN 9788419599025

Rights: US & CA X PR

Editorial Alma (Sep 2024)

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Jane Austen no solo escribió grandes novelas, sino que en sus libros retrató con maestría una época y el modo de vida de su clase social: la nobleza rural inglesa de principios del siglo XIX. Descubre en este libro por qué reglas sociales se regían, a qué dedicaban su tiempo libre, cómo era la moda de la época y qué complementos usaban. En definitiva, qué hacían y cómo era la vida privada durante la época de Regencia para comprender y disfrutar mejor de la literatura de esta gran autora.

Jane Austen not only wrote great novels, but in her books she masterfully portrayed an era and the way of life of her social class: the English rural nobility of the early nineteenth century. Discover in this book what social rules they were governed by, what they spent their free time on, what the fashion of the time was like and what accessories they used. In short, what they did and what their private life was like during the Regency era to better understand and enjoy the literature of this great author.

Author Biography

Jane Austen is a renowned British novelist whose works are considered classics in the world of English literature.

Dàila Adillon received a degree in fine arts from the University of Barcelona and obtained her art teacher certification from the same university. She works as an illustrator.

Laura Manzanera was born in Barcelona in 1966. She has been attracted to reading and writing since she was a child. She studied Information Sciences, works as a journalist and has collaborated with numerous publishing houses. She has specialized in the research and dissemination of history in general and women's history in particular.

Eva Lechner is an illustrator and graphic designer from Cologne, Germany.