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It's Just a Bunnypalooza
It's Just a Bunnypalooza

It's Just a Bunnypalooza

By Brenda Faatz, Illustrated by Peter Trimarco


40 Pages, 8.9 x 11.3

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $22.95)

Publication Date: March 2019

ISBN 9780997085174

Rights: WOR

Notable Kids Publishing (Mar 2019)

Price: $16.95


It’s Just a Bunnypalooza for our red-headed protagonist Lizzy. Ever rambunctious and creative, Lizzy is learning new dance moves from her furry bunny friends just in time for the school talent show. When she tells her classmates that she’s learning hip-hoppity moves from bunnies, Lizzy becomes embarrassed and self-conscious as the children giggle at her over-active imagination. From there, Lizzy is decidedly in complete denial that animals communicate with her. She becomes an avid "non-believer.” Naturally, the bunnies organize an intervention. Not only will these furry little creatures not allow Lizzy to attempt ‘hip-hop’ without them, they do not want to lose their friend. Word travels fast and before long, where once there were two bunnies there are now three … and soon four and then dozens more. All the while, Lizzy remains steadfast in her denial right up until the “Rabbit-a-Raucous  Recital.”

This little tale about Lizzy and ‘cotton-tails’ provides  multiple social-emotional-learning moments…and is also pure adventure-in-rhyme, fantastical humor and, as with all Lizzy books, plays with made-up words. For ages 3-7, this is the third book in the award-winning “It’s Just So” series  (Foreword Indies Silver, Mom’s Choice Gold, CIPA- Gold, Reader’s Favorite Gold).


"Third in a series for three- to six-year-olds, It’s Just a Bunnypalooza sees Lizzy returning for a lesson on staying true to her instincts. Brenda Faatz and Peter Trimarco use onomatopoeia and a sprightly lead to inspire kids with the joy that comes from standing out for the right reasons. The book calls to its audience to embrace their passions, no matter how others respond. Illustrations evoke comic strips and display expressive humor. Lizzy, who is dressed in overalls and sports untameable orange hair, is an appealing, bighearted character with plenty of spirit." — Karen Rigby, Foreword Clarion Reviews

"The flaming redhead Lizzy is back! One of the most adorable, authentic, dynamic but sometimes insecure, most impressionable main characters in contemporary children’s literature. It’s just so amazing! This time, It’s Just a Bunnypalooza! documented in rhyme and illustration by Brenda Faatz and Peter Trimarco – creators of the pantheon of Lizzy, It’s Just So … books. What is true of one is true of all, but this latest Lizzy adventure is just so … perfect! Lizzy is a young girl, once an only child, but she’s never been totally alone inside her vastly imaginative world of hyper-curiosity and manic wonderment for adventure. And she does have friends. Whom she would love to impress at this year’s school jamboree with the “toe tappin’, jump jivin’ … bunnybombastic” dance moves taught her by her bunny friends. Alas, she misunderstands the giggles from her school chums.

Brenda Faatz and Peter Trimarco are marvelous at conveying Lizzy’s drop from dizzying excitement to depressive disappointment in It’s Just a Bunnypalooza! An emotional, instantaneous fall that children will all too readily understand. With rhyming couplets pitched perfectly to a child’s ear, and lively illustrations to warm the coldest soul, this heartfelt story of Lizzy’s abandonment and timely rescue by magical intervention is just so … “jigga-wiggalous!” These made-up words are integral to the Lizzy books. They are the hooks to capture and enrapture young readers; they are the exclamation points to all the fun. And though these stories are filled with learning adventures to help a child’s growth, make no mistake: they are all about having fun!" — Joel R Dennstedt, Readers Favorite

"It’s Just a Bunnypalooza is a toe-tapping picture book. In it, bubbly Lizzy discovers a new talent inspired by a bunch of adorable bunnies, but not before dealing with a little bit of self-doubt.

If you have a reader that you want to encourage positive self-expression in, this is both a bold and tender story that will have readers free stylin’ to their own imaginative hearts without a care in the world." — The Children’s Book Review

"An amazing children’s book packed with whimsical illustrations that make the story hop to life for both children and parents alike. Children adore animals and sweet bunnypalooza does this book deliver. With fanciful creatures to admire on every page and lessons designed to boost confidence and self-worth, It’s Just a Bunnypalooza is the perfect addition to any young child’s (ages 3-7) growing library. This is the third book in the award-winning "It's Just So…” series. I absolutely love this book!" — Michael Rowland, TopShelf Reviews

"It’s Just a Bunnypalooza is clearly a charming tale where friendship, learning and artistic practice intersect. But where the book really shines (at least from a movement vocabulary perspective) is in its commitment to diversity of genre and style. Yes, the bunnies delve into ballet and tap, but they also take a foray into break dancing, social dances, ballroom and world dance forms. And at the end of the book, there is a two-page glossary of dance terms to explore. This epilogue not only defines the different dances, but talks about where they originate. It’s Just a Bunnypalooza is a great way for kids to discover more about dance as well as witness the enduring connection we have with animals." — Heather Desaulniers, Dance Commentary (

"It's Just a Bunnypalooza! explores the creative process from a child’s perspective and it’s absolutely marvelous! I loved seeing Lizzie and her animal pals consider all her options and couldn’t help but agree that the bunnies had the best option of all. Peter Trimarco’s illustrations work so well with the story, especially when he translates the bunny dance moves into marvelous choreographed images of Lizzy’s dancing. Kids will find loads of fun things to look at on each page in this creative book that teaches confidence and self-worth.  It's Just a Bunnypalooza! is humorous, gentle and filled with dancing by a cast of what seems to be thousands of bunnies. It’s most highly recommended." — Jack Magnus, Readers Favorite

“Infectiously enthusiastic about dance and imagination. The bouncy, vibrant verbs make this an excellent read-aloud tale…full-color, whimsical illustrations nicely capture the story’s kinetic joy.” — Kirkus Review

Author Biography

Brenda Faatz has an undeniable connection with children. Some say it’s because they instinctively know “one of their own.” A graduate of The University of Northern Colorado with a degree in Musical Theatre, Brenda is a professional singer, dancer and actor. Along with her husband, Peter Trimarco, she wrote the music, lyrics and script for the original Wee Noteables musical theatre live performance series for children. Brenda also founded and currently directs and teaches at the Notable Kids Arts Center in Denver, Colorado where she has the honor of interacting with and learning from children and their families on a daily basis. This is her first children’s book because, as she likes to say... “no one ever told me I couldn’t.”

Peter Trimarco was a fine arts student who graduated from Lake Forest College with a degree in literature and went on to pursue a career as an editorial cartoonist…but drawing ‘grownups’ stopped being fun. Before being inspired by the opportunity to co-write and illustrate a children’s book with Brenda, he journeyed through life as an entertainment industry professional. From art director to executive producer to publisher of an international film magazine he found a good deal of success (awards and working with people who had entourages). But then came working with children and it became fun again. The words began to flow and with it, the paint, the ink and, most important, the orange hair on Lizzy’s head. 

…and three simple words from Brenda put it all in motion” “It’s Just So…”