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How the Queen Can Make You Happy
How the Queen Can Make You Happy

How the Queen Can Make You Happy


112 Pages, 4.5 x 7

Formats: EPUB, Mobipocket, PDF

PDF, $9.99 (US $9.99) (CA $9.99)

Publication Date: September 2012

ISBN 9781908739179

Rights: US & CA

Elliott & Thompson (Sep 2012)


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A witty and passionately argued essay calling for a return to good manners, using the Queen (the mother of all Brits) as the ultimate example. Mary Killen is an expert on manners and social etiquette, and her humorous advice column in the Spectator provides original solutions to the problems of modern life. In a world currently ruled by reality TV, over-sharing through social media, and an increasingly fractious and fractured public space, we could all do with a lesson or two in from Her Royal Highness. Examining such under-rated virtues as discretion, politeness and kindness, My Queen is a humorous celebration of long-held British values in an age where discretion is not generally the better part of value. Never mind the curtsey, where's the courtesy?


"Lovely." —Anglo Addict

"It had me laughing out loud!"—Anglotopia

Author Biography

Mary Killen grew up in Northern Ireland. A journalist since l984, her career began on Mark Boxer’s Tatler. She has since written weekly columns for the Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph and the Daily Express, and has written monthly columns for Marie Claire magazine and Harpers & Queen. She writes a weekly advice column for the Spectator, a column for House & Garden magazine, and freelances for many other publications.