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The True Story of the Royal Dogs of Japan and One Faithful Akita



53 Pages, 7 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $7.95 (US $7.95) (CA $10.75)

Publication Date: November 2009

ISBN 9781597776295

Rights: WOR

Phoenix Books, Inc. (Nov 2009)

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Once upon a time, there was a dog whose loyalty to his master was so great that he became the hero of an entire nation. But this dog was real, and his story is true!

Every morning Hachiko would walk his owner—a professor at the University of Tokyo—to the Shibuya train station, and every evening he would return to greet the train and walk the professor home. One day his owner suffered a stroke and died, and Hachiko was given away. But Hachiko continued to look for his master at the train station, appearing each evening precisely when the train was due at the station. This continued for 10 years until Hachiko himself passed away. After his death, Hachiko’s legend spread far and wide in Japan. The story of perfect loyalty and devotion made Hachiko a beloved icon to this day.

Here is the story of this marvelous dog, as well as an informative look at dog culture in Japan and the history and tradition of the Akita-ken, one of the most ancient, beloved, and faithful dog breeds ever.

Author Biography

Julie Chrystyn has been a bestselling ghostwriter for eminent statesmen and tycoons from across the globe. A humanitarian and philanthropist, Julie is also the author of several books including Body Transformation and The Secret to Life Transformation: How to Claim Your Own Destiny Now.