Ess Ess Publications (India) is Indian Sub-continent’s largest publisher of books on Library and Information Science. With a rich heritage spanning over 40 years, they have published over 600 titles in varied disciplines of Library and Information Science including Cataloguing, Classification, Communication, Networking, Knowledge Management, Research Methodology, Computers and I.T., Documentation, Internet, Digital Libraries, etc. Ess Ess Publications' authors are prominent department heads and professors of library and information science, research scholars, librarians, and documentation officers from India and abroad. Ess Ess exclusively publishes and distributes books by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, the father of library science in India for the Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting library and information science in India and abroad. Ess Ess has tied up with various American publishers such as American Library Association (ALA), Neal-Schuman Publishers, Information Today, Inc., American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), LAMA, etc. and has published more than 50 titles from these publishers after obtaining their publishing rights for the Indian subcontinent.