For Kids series
140 Pages, 11 x 8 1/2
Formats: PDF, Trade Paper, EPUB, Mobipocket
Trade Paper, $16.95 (US $16.95) (CA $18.95)
Publication Date: February 2009
ISBN 9781556527241
Rights: WOR
Chicago Review Press (Feb 2009)
eBook Editions Available
Will it work on my eReader?Celebrating one of the most influential figures in jazz, this comprehensive biography incorporates the legendary Duke Ellington’s talents into engaging activities for children. Enlisting the musician’s gifts as a pianist, composer, and band leader, this interdisciplinary approach shows how to create a ragtime rhythm, make a washtub bass, write song lyrics, dance the Lindy Hop, and even design an album cover. Exploring Ellington’s life and career, this activity guide includes information on additional topics such as the Harlem Renaissance, the musical evolution of jazz, and how technology has changed over the years—from piano rolls and record albums to CDs, television, and portable music devices. A time line, glossary, selected bibliography, and extensive resources—including Ellington’s greatest recordings, related websites, and recommendations for further study—are also included.