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Do the Skeleton Skat!
Do the Skeleton Skat!

Do the Skeleton Skat!

The Wiggles


10 Pages, 7.99 x 7.99

Formats: Board Book

Board Book, $17.99 (CA $23.99) (US $17.99)

Publication Date: August 2020

ISBN 9781922385277

Rights: US, CA, UK, CAR, SAM & SEA

Five Mile (Aug 2020)

Price: $17.99


Sing along to the spooky song 'Do the Skeleton Scat!' with The Wiggles!

Author Biography

The Wiggles is the world’s favorite children’s entertainment group. Now showing on Netflix in 190 countries around the world. 800 million views on YouTube and new special events coming. Over 100K visits each month on The Wiggles website.