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Dead of Winter
Dead of Winter

Dead of Winter



270 Pages, 5.25 x 8

Trade Paper, $16.95 (CA $22.95) (US $16.95)

Publication Date: January 2021

ISBN 9781645480594

Rights: WOR

Black Spot Books (Jan 2021)

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Winner, 2021 International Book Awards, Anthologies

Award-Winning Finalist, 2020 Chanticleer Reviews Shorts

Eight chilling tales to read under the Cold Moon.

A tinker’s son acquires a cursed soul. A dying woman is haunted by her own reflection. An uninvited presence haunts a Christmas seance. A festive holiday turns macabre.

Despite the twinkling lights and steaming cocoa, the end of the year is the darkest time of the year—a season of short days, long nights, and cold skies. In this special anniversary anthology, the authors of Black Spot Books mix Ye Olde Yuletide hauntings with modern-day holiday horrors to weave a chilling new collection of dark winter tales. From frozen forests stalked by eerie Christmas ghosts to rotting gifts of winter malice, the spirits of Christmas come home for the holidays in the Dead of Winter.


"Readers looking for a wintry fright will appreciate a few gems [among] eight winter-themed tales of terror." —Publishers Weekly

"Diverse, unexpected, and solid in characterization, plots, and evolution...horror fans will relish the creative results in [Dead of Winter] that delights with its original, thought-provoking creations and twists on holiday themes." —D. DonavanMidwest Book Review

"Editor Ryan's selections perfectly fit the dark, gray, wintry mood that hits when cold weather has dragged on for too long. This anthology features eight short stories, each gripping, mind-bending, and truly creepy. Dead of Winter has something for every horror reader." —Carrie Rasak, Booklist

"This collection by emerging voices is worth curling up by the fire with—if you leave the lights on." —Library Journal

Author Biography

Daniel Buell is a recent graduate with a B.S in Business Marketing and a minor in Creative Writing from Montclair State University. N.J. Ember is a paranormal fiction author. She lives in Michigan. Sam Hooker writes darkly humorous novels about thing like tyrannical despots and the masked scoundrels who tickle them without mercy. Alcy Leyva is a Bronx-born writer, teacher, and pizza enthusiast. He graduated from Hunter College with a B.A. in English and an MFA in Fiction from The New School. Tiffany Meuret is a writer of monsters and twisted fairytales. She lives in Arizona with her husband, two kids, two chihuahuas, gecko, and tortoise. Laura Morrison lives in the Metro Detroit area. She has a B.S. in applied ecology and environmental science from Michigan Technological University. Dalena Storm currently resides in a converted general store in the woods of Western Massachusetts. Cassondra Windwalker is a poet and novelist writing full-time from the coast of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.