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Counting in Green
Counting in Green

Counting in Green

Ten Little Ways to Help Our Big Planet



32 Pages, 9.75 x 9.75

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $17.99 (US $17.99) (CA $23.99)

Publication Date: August 2023

ISBN 9781913074166

Rights: US & CA

Otter-Barry Books (Aug 2023)

Price: $17.99


From one new tree and two breezy bicycle wheels to seven beach pick-ups, nine wild flowers and ten friendly neighbors, follow a group of children as they discover how every small action can make a big difference and help to save our Earth.

This positive and simple introduction to the vital need for conservation for young children is Illustrated with the simplicity, warmth and charm which Barroux is famous for.

Counting in Green is an inspirational picture book, encouraging young children and their families to push for change and keep our planet safe and secure for all living things.

Author Biography

Hollis Kurman writes poetry and children’s stories, including Counting Kindness: Ten Ways to Welcome Refugee Children. Her poems (one nominated for a Pushcart Prize) have been published in multiple journals. When not writing, Hollis moderates literary events and is Chairperson of the Ivy Circle Netherlands; Supervisory Board member of Save the Children NL; member of the Fulbright Board NL; Founder of the Human Rights Watch NL Committee and member of HRW Women’s Rights Advisory Council. She was born in New York and now lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Barroux was born in Paris and grew up in Morocco. He is the author and illustrator of many books, published all over the world, and children in need are a special theme of his. From the 2005 Enfantasie Award to the English PEN Award and the Prix Médecins Sans Frontières in 2015, he has won numerous honors and awards. His books include Line of Fire with Michael Morpurgo, and Alpha with Bessora, as well as picture books for younger children including I Love You, Blue (Otter-Barry Books, 2022).