320 Pages, 129 x 198
Formats: Trade Paper
Trade Paper, $12.99 (US $12.99) (CA $16.99)
Publication Date: November 2023
ISBN 9781789294699
Rights: US & CA
Michael O'Mara Books (Nov 2023)
Michael O'Mara
Christmas! They say it's the happiest, most wonderful time of the year ...
Unfortunately, it's preceded by the most exhausting, exasperating and expensive time of the year ... And, even worse, the run-up to Christmas now seems to begin sometime in late August.
Never mind. It's all worth it of course because on Christmas day you get to watch your family's faces light up as they unwrap all the exciting presents you've got them, before they give you some socks and shower gel in return.
Christmas Jokes for Funny Blokes is a new compilation of great jokes old and new celebrating the highs and lows of all aspects of the holiday season including the truth about Santa and his reindeer; present buying; overindulgence; parties; presents; preparations; decorations; carol singing; traditions; atrocious winter weather, all of it.
It's the perfect joke book for funny blokes to enjoy at Christmas time, to keep them out of mischief during the festive season, to torment the family with over the festive table – or possibly just to distract them until it's time to start the post-Christmas diet.