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Break These Rules
Break These Rules

Break These Rules

35 YA Authors on Speaking Up, Standing Out, and Being Yourself

Edited by Luke Reynolds


224 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5

Formats: Trade Paper, PDF, Mobipocket, EPUB

Trade Paper, $14.99 (CA $19.99) (US $14.99)

Publication Date: September 2013

ISBN 9781613747841

Rights: WOR

Chicago Review Press (Sep 2013)


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Middle grades and young adult authors speak candidly on the unspoken “rules” of adolescence in this collection of moving, inspiring, and often funny essays. This unique volume encourages readers to break with conformity and defy age-old, and typically inaccurate, orthodoxy—including such conventions as Boys can’t be gentle, kind, or caring; One must wear Abercrombie & Fitch in order to fit in; Girls should act like girls; and One must go to college after finishing high school. With contributions from acclaimed, bestselling, and award-winning young adult authors—including Gary D. Schmidt, author of The Wednesday Wars; Matthew Quick, author of The Silver Linings Playbook; Sara Zarr, author of Story of a Girl; and Wendy Mass, author of A Mango-Shaped Space—this collection encourages individuality by breaking traditionally held norms, making it an ideal resource for tweens and teens.


“This book actually breaks the rules just by existing. This much sheer coolness should not be allowed in one volume!”  —Jordan Sonnenblick, bestselling author, Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie

"These wonderful essays not only lay out good reasons for breaking rules, but they also provide lots of room for thought. If I could make one rule, it would be for every teen, parent, and teacher to read this collection. We’d all be better for it."  —Kathi Appelt, author of  the Newberry Honor–winning novel The Underneath

"Much of the advice—from rejecting conventional standards of beauty to not worrying about fitting in—may be familiar to many readers, though that doesn’t make it any less sound. In the strongest entries, the writers use examples of their own past struggles to subtly drive home their messages."  —Publishers Weekly

"Each contributor shares personal experience and advice, which makes for good, varied reading that will surely offer something unique for many readers. The essays are inspiring and thought-provoking, and many offer truly funny moments."  —School Library Journal

"While each contribution is deeply heartfelt, the shining stars of the collection are those that elegantly guide the reader with authentic, personal specifics on journeys that are genuinely transformative."  —Booklist

"This book is a hall pass to individuality, out-of-the-box thinking and self-expression. LOVE. IT."  —Justine

Author Biography

Luke Reynolds has taught middle school and high school English in Connecticut and Massachusetts, as well as composition at Northern Arizona University. He is the coeditor of Burned In and Dedicated to the People of Darfur and the author of A Call to Creativity, Keep Calm and Query On, and A New Man. His writing has appeared in the Arizona Daily Sun, the Hartford Courant, Mutuality magazine, the Sonora Review, Tucson Weekly, and the Writer. He lives in Boston.