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Black Fatherhood
Black Fatherhood

Black Fatherhood

Reclaiming Our Legacy


190 Pages, 9.17 x 9.34

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $19.95 (US $19.95) (CA $26.95)

Publication Date: November 2014

ISBN 9780825307430

Rights: WOR

Beaufort Books (Nov 2014)

Price: $19.95


This one of a kind book aims to highlight the importance of being a present father while breaking the stereotype that surrounds Black fatherhood. Written by Dr. Curtis L. Ivery and his son Marcus, the book is a blueprint for being a successful family man as well as a model African-American man. It's also an account of the current state of the African-American community and family, which is increasingly viewed as disconnected and falling apart. Riddled with quotes by celebrated leaders, including Frederick Douglass, Bill Cosby, and Nelson Mandela, the book provides tips on how to be a father each day, every day. Ivery talks about the importance of instilling a value system and emphasizes ways in which fathers can have optimal relationships with their children. The book also delves into our current society and examines how it's affecting African-American communities and families, as well as how we can overcome this. This book is an indispensable guide for fathers and children alike that will surely strengthen any family's bond.

Author Biography

Dr. Curtis L. Ivery has been Chancellor of Wayne County Community College District since 1995. The multi-campus, culturally diverse District in metropolitan Detroit serves thousands of students in Wayne County, and is a focal point for community issues and solutions. Thus, he sees the challenges of urban youth at every level. More importantly, he champions their success and has become a nationally recognized leader in education, urban affairs, and male parenting. Recognizing that professional success begins with the role parents play in instilling the necessary characteristics and value to achieve such, Dr. Ivery has made it his personal mission to educate, inspire, and actively engage African American males in the parenting process. The author of several books and hundreds of articles on urban affairs and education, Dr. Ivery continues his quest to strengthen communities by rebuilding the family unit and the values that create and hold them together. A proponent of education and strong family values, Marcus shares his commitment and expertise with several local agencies and efforts, including the National Association of Black Accountants, Detroit Rescue Mission, and Goodwill Industries "Flip the Script" program for young Black males, and as president of the Curtis L. Ivery Literacy Foundation. Ivery is honored that his first published words are in partnership with his father, Dr. Curtis L. Ivery. He and his wife and son reside in the metropolitan Detroit area.