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Ask Me About Polyamory
Ask Me About Polyamory

Ask Me About Polyamory

The Best of Kimchi Cuddles

By Tikva Wolf, Foreword by Sophie Labelle


144 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Trade Paper

Trade Paper, $24.95 (US $24.95) (CA $34.95)

Publication Date: September 2016

ISBN 9780996460118

Rights: WOR

Thornapple Press (Sep 2016)

Price: $24.95


A lighthearted take on a hot topic as increasing numbers of people attempt open relationships

A hilarious and touching comic about polyamory, queer, and genderqueer issues. If your relationships or your gender are unconventional, you’ll find useful advice and plenty of laughs in this compilation of the wildly popular webcomic Kimchi Cuddles.

Quirky, endearing and charmingly (and sometimes painfully) realistic characters, many based on real people, explore polyamory, queer and genderqueer issues. Covering practical matters like time management and serious topics like discrimination, this book unites the best of two years of Kimchi Cuddles comics, organized into a practical and entertaining guide to the real world of alternative relationships.

Kimchi Cuddles is a rare mix: fearlessly true to the lives of the people it depicts yet relatable enough to entertain and inform anyone (maybe even your parents). Dealing with both lighthearted and serious subject matter, it avoids clichés and easy answers, choosing instead to give examples of different schools of thought and show the humanity behind each one. Wolf’s honesty and gift for clear explanation have made Kimchi Cuddles a hit with the most dedicated polyamorists as well as curious newcomers.


“Kimchi Cuddles is a wonderful comic that has helped many many poly people to navigate their relationships and to explain them to others. The warm and open style, and great way of getting complex things across simply, makes it one of the best relationship comics out there.” —Dr. Meg-John Barker, author of Rewriting the Rules

“Kimchi Cuddles gives us a window into a community of individuals with big hearts, open minds and serious relationship skills. Their willingness to share their journeys with others through Tikva's work is a gift to everyone constructing relationships that don't fit the traditional model.” —Sheffa Ariens, MA, MFT, licensed marriage and family therapist

“Hurrah for Kimchi! A fantastically relatable and relaxing space which provides a glimpse of the diverse extraordinary, made comically ordinary. Kimchi Cuddles entertains, not through politics, agenda or ideology, but through loving personal stories and is therefore one of the most poignant and enjoyable reads I’ve had the pleasure to add to my non-normative literature collection.” —Louisa Leontiades, author of The Husband Swap

“Kimchi Cuddles is a snapshot of our changing culture. A warm-hearted, wise, and brave comic: an invaluable resource in the global polyamory movement. “ —Dr. Anya, author of Opening Love

“The first day I saw Kimchi Cuddles I went, ‘OMG, exactly!’ I went and read every one since the beginning and couldn't wait for the next. That was two years ago, 499 comics ago. I still read them all.” —Alan M., Polyamory in the News

"Kimchi Cuddles is the perfect antidote for polyamorous people who take ourselves or polyamory too seriously. You will be hooked as you follow the adventures or Kimchi and her poly pals as they go through dating, infatuations, falling in love, and trying to make various kinds of open relationships work. It is laugh-out-loud hilarious and pokes gentle fun at our attempts at polyamory, both our successes and our spectacular relationship disasters.” —Kathy Labriola, author of Love in Abundance and The Jealousy Workbook

“I’ve been following Kimchi Cuddles for a long time because it is funny and delightful. Tikva Wolf truly groks polyamory and the comics educate the inexperienced while drawing chuckles from the experienced.” —Noël Lynne Figart, The Polyamorous Misanthrope

“Gentlepeople, if you only buy one book about polyamory, I encourage you to buy this one. Skip the long wordy explanations writers like myself delight in. You don’t need them. Proving that a picture is indeed worth a thousand words, Tikva has captured the essence of poly life in these delightful comics.” —Jessica Burde, author of Polyamory and Pregnancy

Author Biography

Tikva Wolf comes from a long line of love-activists and has been drawing ever since she could hold a crayon. What she primarily cares about in art (and life) is connecting to people, creating dialogue and spreading awareness. She lives in North Carolina.

Sophie Labelle is the French-Canadian author of Serious Trans Vibes / Assigned Male comics, which she has been drawing since 2014. 

She is also the author of several children's books and novels, as well as a public speaker. She gives talks and lectures to a large array of audiences, from kindergarden groups to university students.