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A Friend for Ruby
A Friend for Ruby

A Friend for Ruby

By Sofie Laguna, Illustrated by Marc McBride


32 Pages, 8.66 x 11.22

Formats: Cloth

Cloth, $18.99 (US $18.99) (CA $24.99)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781761067648

Rights: US & CA

Allen & Unwin (Oct 2024)
A & U Children

Price: $18.99


When Ruby sees an amazing creature on the beach on her way home from school, she is hopeful she's found a new friend. A gorgeous story about kindness and family and friendship, brought beautifully to life by two incredibly talented creators.

Ruby led the creature out into the garden. She drew a dancing circle in the sand. 'I choose you!' she said to the creature.

Walking along the beach, Ruby finds a strange creature on the shore. She takes it home, feeds it and makes a bed of straw for it in her cubby - but a cubby is no place for a creature from the sea.

Ruby must draw on all her resources to help the creature find their way home - and perhaps, along the way, she might just find an unexpected friendship.

A whimsical tale of friendship, compassion and resourcefulness, from a wonderfully talented creative team.


"Thrilling journeys abound in this lovely ode to childhood fantasies and sibling bonds" — Kirkus Reviews on When You're Older

Author Biography

SOFIE LAGUNA's many books for young people have been published in the US, the UK and in translation throughout Europe and Asia. She has been shortlisted for the Queensland Premier's Awards, and twice been awarded Honour Book by the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA). She is also a highly acclaimed author for adults. Sofie lives in Melbourne with her husband, Marc McBride, and their two young sons.

MARC McBRIDE is the illustrator of Emily Rodda's New York Times best-selling series Deltora Quest, which has sold over 18 million copies worldwide and has become an anime TV show. He has illustrated more than 200 book covers, 10 picture books and countless magazines, and has had work exhibited with the New York Society of Illustrators International Show. He has won Aurealis Awards for the Deltora Quest series, as well as World of Monsters, which he wrote and illustrated. His book The Glimme was Honour Book in the 2020 CBCA awards. His recent books are The Song of Lewis Carmichael, The House on Pleasant Street and The Glow, all written by Sofie Laguna.