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A Flood of Posies
A Flood of Posies

A Flood of Posies



255 Pages, 5.25 x 8

Formats: Trade Paper, EPUB

Trade Paper, $17.95 (CA $23.95) (US $17.95)

Publication Date: February 2021

ISBN 9781645480266

Rights: WOR

Black Spot Books (Feb 2021)


eBook Editions Available

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Price: $17.95


 When a storm of biblical proportions strikes, two wayward sisters are begrudgingly forced together

It's 2025.

Sisters, Doris and Thea, exist worlds apart, despite living within a few miles of one another. Doris with her regular home and regular husband and regular job, and Thea slinking along the edges of society, solitary and invisible. When a storm of biblical proportions strikes, the wayward sisters are begrudgingly forced together as the rain waters rise, each attempting to survive both the flood and each other.

One year later, Thea—now calling herself Sestra—floats throughout a ravaged, flood soaked world. Her former life drowned beneath metric tons of water, she and her only companion, Robert, battle starvation, heatstroke, and the monstrous creatures called Posies that appeared alongside the flood. When they run across what they assume to be an abandoned tugboat, their journey takes a new turn, and the truth about the flood and the monsters seems more intricately linked to Thea's past then she may realize.


"Bewitching debut....this is a promising first outing from Meuret." —Publishers Weekly

"With its unforgettable imagery, Posies is a phenomenal novel set at the edge of an unforeseen apocalypse." —Foreword Reviews

"Meuret's examination is as much upon changing relationships and human endeavors as on the face of world-changing disaster....A Flood of Posies is highly recommended reading for readers of fantasy and women's literature who look for more in their world-ending and world-building studies than an action-packed survival saga alone." —D. Donovan, Midwest Book Review

Author Biography

Tiffany Meuret is a writer of monsters and twisted fairy tales. Her publications include Shoreline of Infinity, Luna Station Quarterly, Ellipsis Zine, Rhythm & Bones, and others. When not reading or writing, she is usually binge watching comfortable sitcoms from her childhood or telling her kids to put on their shoes for the tenth time. She lives in sunny Arizona with her husband, two kids, two chihuahuas, gecko, and tortoise.

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