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Nine Sephardic Songs
Nine Sephardic Songs

Nine Sephardic Songs

Arranged for Voice and Harp

Ars Musicæ Hispaniæ


62 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: Trade Paper, PDF

Trade Paper, $19.99 (US $19.99) (CA $23.99)

Publication Date: September 2015

ISBN 9781609404536

Rights: WOR

Wings Press (Sep 2015)

Price: $19.99


This is a collection of nine familiar Sephardic folk songs, most dating to the 16th century or earlier, both religious and secular in nature, in attractive arrangements for voice with pedal or lever harp accompaniments of moderate difficulty. Texts are in Ladino, with translations provided. Arranged by a well-known arranger/transcriber, Nine Sephardic Songs is perfect for those preparing voice and harp programs and fills a specific niche in available harp music.


“Samuel Milligan’s collection of Nine Sephardic Songs is a wonderful addition to the harp and voice repertoire. This will be a treasured volume of music for musicians of all levels.”  —­Sarah Bullen, principal harp, Chicago Symphony Orchestra

“Nine Sephardic Songs is an unexpected exquisite gift to harpists and singers. This genre of music has not been readily available before now. Hauntingly beautiful and soulful, the accompaniments can be played by both intermediate and advanced levels of players. They offer the harpist expressive solo lines that enhance the songs. In addition, the historical and musical commentaries are both helpful and useful.”  —Susan Jolles, first alternate harpist, Metropolitan Opera

“Samuel Milligan again gives us a perfect collection of music filled with history and grace. These songs are passionate and descriptive of Sephardic life. The opening pages include a rich history, filled with traditional customs and events. Beautifully arranged and set, we are fortunate to have this exceptional addition to our libraries.”  —Barbara Allen, principal harpist, American Ballet Theatre

"Hurray! Another gem from Sam Milligan. Well-researched and documented, the background of the Jews in Spain (Sephardim), their language and music are succinctly discussed in the introduction. As we have come to expect from Milligan's other collections, the arrangements are eminently playable on harp. A group of these lovely songs would be a unique addition to any harp and voice program, fitting well with any early harp through modern pedal harp repertoire." —Jennifer Sayre, Historical Harp Journal

Author Biography

Samuel Milligan is a harpist who is best known for the educational materials he has published for lever harp. He has also worked as a harp technician and an editor for the American Harp Journal. He is a member of the American Harp Society. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.